Lo Hei!

My ex-colleagues from SHA invited me to their annual CNY gathering!:)) Thinking back, I feel really fortunate to be able to attend their gathering even though I am no longer interning there.

Anyway, our Lo Hei dinner was at Capital Restaurant in Chinatown, from the reviews online, they seemed to be very famous for their Shanghai Hairy crabs! Too bad we didn't have any, ours was a set dinner!

First up: Lo Hei! Was an eye-opener for me because my family don't do Lo Heis! To my surprise, it tasted really good! I always think that Yu Sheng is a very disgusting dish because of the way it looks (the messiness) and also the overly-sweet sauce poured over it.

Uncle demonstrating the traditional Cantonese way of serving and preparing the Yu Sheng.

See, that's what I mean by the messiness~ Still tastes good nevertheless!

Dried Oysters with Cabbage! Really don't fancy the taste of dried oysters, but the cabbages were boiled till soft! I helped myself to so many servings of the cabbage!

THIS WAS VERY GOOD! Paper-wrapped chicken! Seriously the yummiest of all the dishes. Love the tenderness of the chicken and how it was marinated! A must-try!! Almost salivated after seeing this picture.

Hong Kong-style steamed fish! Nothing worth mentioning.

Scallops with cabbage! WHAT!? CABBAGE AGAIN!? No, I could be wrong! But it really looks like cabbage to me here. I can't differentiate vegetables.

Sambal Chili Prawns!

You might have observed that:
1) I can never be a food blogger (as much as I want to be one). Notice the unlimited descriptive words I have for the foody pictures here? LOL.
2) I didn't put up photos that I took with my ex-colleagues here, in case they find their way here, and think that I am not repsecting their privacy.
3) Nope, no SHARKS'FIN! :)))

That's all for now!



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