GE 2011




This post came a little too late, but I would like to say that I am so happy and proud to be involved in the GE 2011! Well, not exactly being involved as a citizen, but playing a part in supporting my preferred party. It's a one-in-a-five years thing. Thanks to my friends for jio-ing me to go!! :)

I am surprised, because I certainly do not expect myself to be concerned in political matters. Since young, I have never paid attention to anyone in the political scene in Singapore, not to mention that I don't even know the names of some of the important characters in the parliament . This time round, I have to thank the mainstream media for putting the spotlight on the two young ladies, as this in turn lead me to be really curious about political issues!

Despite my nationality as a Malaysian, I always feel the love for Singapore. It's the country I grew up in.

You go Singapore!

I still don't like Nicole Seah :p She seems fake leh!



hahha. Me too! I'm also sua gu about politics. I made my friends explain to me. ha.


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