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Tonight is just one of the rare nights when I just want to sit in the room alone - using the laptop, playing emo-nemo music on Youtube, blogging on my trusty blogspot, piecing all my thoughts together.

Currently, I am reading a book I bought ages ago - The Memory Keeper's Daughter. The pages have already turned yellowish. This holiday, I haven't been reading any books, I did borrowed loads of books, it's just that I have little determination to complete them. I must finish this book so that I can tell myself that I have completed one book this holiday! :) So, this is what I call, reading just for the sake of reading!





Just want to share with you all these awesome food (pictures)! *Drools!* I feel so hungry just thinking about them.

I can't wait to have the Crystal Jade XLB buffet with my mum and bro!


Today, many thoughts ran through my mind. But I just find it hard to put them into words.



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