A great day.

I have an urge to blog now, because today is such a great day for me! :)


(Calm Effect)


So, in the morning, I went for my usual driving lesson. Surprisingly, I had fun today! This instructor made me feel so relaxed and he really cheered me up. I like him! I hope I get him for every lessons from now onwards *Tolong Tolong*! Because of him, all my bad experiences in the past have somehow been erased. And he's really cute, the way he laugh is literally like "HEHEHEHEHE!" Waulau, I had a hard time trying to stop myself from laughing, so much that two drops of my saliva went to the steering wheel. A good morning really helps to bright up the whole day (and night). Ok, enough of driving lessons.

I went to City Plaza to try the highly-raved Ban Mian. It wasn't really that good. The soup base is a little salty for my liking. The Ban Mian near my parents' fish stall is still the best in my opinion! I had a happy time taking photos of the surroundings :)


This also made my day!!!!!! :)

Someone commented on this photo of mine, I only realised it today! Really, this is the best thing that can ever happen to a amateur who likes to take photograph (not even considered a photographer). In case you are wondering, I think the person is saying that, he wants to get a Samsung EX1 after seeing this photo that I've taken? Or is he purely saying that he wants some goodies inside this photo? -.- Please don't tell me it's the latter. I can't take the blow. I can't. Ok, just kidding, of course I can take the blow. After all, it's already nice to know that the person actually bothered to look through the photographs in my photostream. And, I looked through his photostream, omg, all of them are just perfect!

I wish I can improve my skills on photo-taking. Practice makes perfect!


Xueyin Ong said...

wow you went to city plaza alone!?

JASMINE said...

cool! i wanna see the photostream....of the person who comment on your photo =) hehhehe

- said...

XY: Haha yes ar! :)

Jassy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/realityfanclub/ :)


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