
So, about 1 month has flew past!

I learnt a lot about myself in the past weeks.

I have been enjoying quality time with myself more than ever. I cannot emphasize how much I love spending time with myself. Going out alone, hanging around in random streets, or just plain sitting down in Macdonalds. Being comfortable in my own skin is one of the most important aspects that I have been yearning to achieve since the start of my teenage year. It was hard. But, it isn't now. And, it won't be, in the future :)

Don't ever let anything or anyone get you down. These are the things that's going to bring you up to greater heights. Insults, laugh it off. Sarcasm, ignore them. Critism, accept them and carry with you. Stop doing things that you don't like to do. Stop being so hard on yourself. Know the things that really matter at the end, and dump the things that don't.

No matter how hard life gets, just remember the things that have kept you working so hard in the first place. This, I'll always keep it with me.

I am getting impatient, very impatient. With everything.


Xueyin Ong said...


zhengyi said...

Meet me when I'm back!!!! MISS YOU LEH.

agnes said...

"Insults, laugh it off. Sarcasm, ignore them. Critism, accept them and carry with you." yeah man that's life supposed to be!Thanks for the post!

- said...

XY: :))!!

xiao zheng: XIAO ZHENG! Can't believe you are talking to me from TW! Got internet meh!? LOL!!! Take more photos ok!! I can't wait to see them!! Hahaha! Sure lar dude np! Let's meet out when you are back! Enjoy yourself ok!

Aggy: Aggy, you are very welcome! Hahaha! I just suddenly had the mood to write out this post,was feeling kinda emo, LOL! Thanks for your appreciation!


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