Just some heartfelts

And so, as the header suggests, I am a free bird for now! Hehehe! Hohoho! Hahaha!

Studying for the past few days, or rather, for the past years, has allowed me to realise that, I do not like to study. In fact, I hate it. I wondered why did I even thought I love to study (that leds me to choosing the JC route originally). This fact makes me even more certain that I will not take the university route after graduation.

I wonder why some of the driving instructors at CDC act like that. I know I am one of the reasons why people tend to stereotype women as lousy drivers. But do the instructors have to be so harsh on me? As stated on every learner's car, "Please give me a chance to learn, be patient" (Something like that), I am a learner, I have ZERO experience, you are so much more experienced than me, why can't you just be more patient? Whenever I make any mistakes, these instructors have to verbal bully me as though it is free. I pay around $60 freaking dollars for each lesson, yet each time after a lesson, I get more and more demoralised and my self-esteem would decrease to a whole new level. Of course, I am not saying I don't learn anything from these instructors. I do. I just hope they'll be more patient on me and stop verbal-bullying me. I am not saying that all the driving instructors inside are fierce and inpatient, most of the instructors are generally good. However, just when I start to feel that my driving skills has improved by a tiny bit, I will look forward to the next driving lesson, that's when I will be coached by another fierce instructor. It's just like a cycle. Hai. In the midst of these tedious lessons, there are many times when I feel like giving up and just stop taking driving lessons anymore, but I can't. My parents paid so much money for these lessons, how can I just stop halfway as and when I like right? I am sorry I sort of made driving seem so difficult, rest assure, it's just me only.

To prove them wrong and shut their mouths up, I WILL pass my driving test and get a license. Then, I will photocopy my license and smash them onto the screen of car 230 and 248.


Xueyin Ong said...

what car 230 and 248?

agnes said...

When there is a will, there is a way!Jia You!

- said...

XY: The cars of the instructors that I dislike :)

Eggy: Thanks Eggy! Good luck to ur first day of work!:)


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